2€CC Estland 2018/2 "100 Jahre Republik Estland" (EE006)


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Estland plant neben der Gemeinschaftsausgabe der drei Baltischen Staaten "100 Jahre Unabhängigkeit" eine weitere mit o.a. Titel.

The date 24 February 2018 marks the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia, and Eesti Pank is issuing a two-euro circulating coin with a special design in honour of this. The design of the common side of the coin is unchanged. The coin is intended to symbolise the people of Estonia, and so 1,317,800 coins will be minted to match the population of Estonia on 1 January 2017 according to data from Statistics Estonia

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Eesti Pank announces two competitions to design coins | Eesti Pank
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Eesti Pank informiert:

Two two-euro commemorative coins will be issued into circulation for the anniversary of Estonia and the Baltic states

  • The number minted of two-euro coins dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia will symbolically be the same as the population of Estonia
  • The six best designs for the joint anniversary coin for the Baltic states will be entered in a public vote across all three of the countries
Eesti Pank will issue into circulation at the start of next year two two-euro commemorative coins, design competitions for which are currently underway. The design competition for the two-euro commemorative coin dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Baltic states runs until midday on 6 March and the competition for the two-euro commemorative coin for the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia runs until midday on 10 March.

The date 24 February 2018 marks the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia, and Eesti Pank is issuing a two-euro circulating coin with a special design in honour of this. The coin is intended to symbolise the people of Estonia, and so 1,317,800 coins will be minted to match the population of Estonia on 1 January 2017 according to data from Statistics Estonia. The deadline for the submission of designs for the competition is 10 March at 12.00 midday.

Latvia and Lithuania are also celebrating their 100th anniversaries in early 2018, and so the central banks of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania will issue a two-euro commemorative coin with a common design into circulation in the three countries simultaneously. The small Baltic states have striven hard in defence of their independence, and within a short period 100 years ago, each one became a free and democratic country. Independence was regained again at the start of the 1990s. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have stood up for their shared values and have worked together to maintain their independence, freedom and sovereignty. The two-euro commemorative coin to be issued marks the shared history, values and efforts of the three countries and will act as a reminder of those values to the residents of the rest of the euro area. The deadline for the submission of designs for the competition is 6 March at 12.00 midday.

Everyone can have a say in designing the common coin for the Baltic states as two designs from each country will be entered in a public vote where everyone can vote for one design over the internet. The exact conditions for the online vote will be published once the central banks have made their initial choice.

Both coins will enter circulation in early 2018.

Quelle und mehr: Two two-euro commemorative coins will be issued into circulation for the anniversary of Estonia and the Baltic states | Eesti Pank

The Supervisory Board of Eesti Pank confirmed the winning designs in the design competitions for the two-euro coin dedicated to the centenary of the Republic of Estonia.

The two-euro coin features the official national logo for the jubilee, which can be read as the numbers 18 and 100. This trick with the numbers unites the year the state was founded with today. The winning designers are Ionel Lehari and Meelis Opmann of the concept & design agency Identity OÜ, which is also the agency behind the official logo for the Estonian centenary. Second place in the design competition went to Riho Luuse and third to Heino Prunsvelt.

A two-euro commemorative coin is a circulation coin with the usual common side and a special commemorative design on the national side. The coin is intended to symbolise the people of Estonia, and so 1,317,800 coins will be minted to match the population of Estonia on 1 January 2017 according to data from Statistics Estonia.

The coin will enter into circulation in early 2018 and will be valid as legal tender throughout the euro area.

Once the coin is released, the winning designer will receive a prize of 2000 euros while the second-placed design will win 700 euros and the third-placed 500. Where designers have worked together on a design, they will have to share the prize money.

There were 33 entries in the design competition for the two-euro commemorative coin.

Quelle: eesti pank
Ich weiß nicht, was ich von diesem 2er halten soll, ähnlich abstrakt wie die finnischen Münzen. Muss wohl an der geographischen Lage liegen... Warum hat man den Strich und die zwei Kreise als "I:" und nicht einfach als "Ioo" angeordnet?o_O
Warum hat man den Strich und die zwei Kreise als "I:" und nicht einfach als "Ioo" angeordnet?o_O
Das ist das Logo für die 100 Jahrfeier und wird wie folgt beschrieben:
The Estonia 100 logo “Aastasada” (“Century”) makes creative use of the numbers 18 and 100 to symbolise the one hundred years of our self-determination.

Quelle: Estonia 100 logo and its use
Damit man es auch als 18 erkennen kann - für 1918 als Unabhängigkeits-, bzw. 2018 als Jubiläumsjahr ;-)

Das ist das Logo für die 100 Jahrfeier und wird wie folgt beschrieben:
The Estonia 100 logo “Aastasada” (“Century”) makes creative use of the numbers 18 and 100 to symbolise the one hundred years of our self-determination.

Quelle: Estonia 100 logo and its use

Ah, wieder was dazu gelernt, danke für die Aufklärungsarbeit :)
Eesti Pank informiert:

Press releases

Silver and gold coins and two circulating coins are to be issued for the centenary of the Republic of Estonia

Eesti Pank is issuing four coins for the centenary of the Republic of Estonia in 2018, with a silver collector coin and a gold one, a two-euro coin with a special design for the anniversary of the Republic of Estonia, and a two-euro coin with a special design for the centenaries of the Baltic states.

  • The gold collector coin ...
  • There will be 3000 of the gold coin ...
  • The gold and silver coins ...
  • There will be 1,317,800 of the two-euro coins with the special design for the centenary of the Republic of Estonia minted, and they will enter circulation on 19 February 2018
  • There will be 500,000 of the two-euro coins with the special design for the centenary of the Baltic states issued in Estonia, and the coin will enter circulation on 31 January 2018
C 444/6 DE Amtsblatt der Europäischen Union 23.12.2017

Neue nationale Seite von Euro-Umlaufmünzen
(2017/C 444/07)


Nationale Seite der von Estland neu ausgegebenen und für den Umlauf bestimmten 2-Euro-Gedenkmünze

Euro-Umlaufmünzen haben im gesamten Euro-Währungsgebiet den Status eines gesetzlichen Zahlungsmittels. Zur Information der Fachkreise und der breiten Öffentlichkeit veröffentlicht die Kommission eine Beschreibung der Gestaltungsmerkmale aller neuen Euro-Münzen (1). Gemäß den Schlussfolgerungen des Rates vom 10. Februar 2009 (2) ist es den Mitgliedstaaten des Euro-Währungsgebiets sowie Ländern, die aufgrund eines Währungsabkommens mit der Europäischen Union Euro-Münzen ausgeben dürfen, unter bestimmten Bedingungen gestattet, für den Umlauf bestimmte Euro-Gedenkmünzen auszugeben. Dabei darf es sich ausschließlich um 2-Euro-Münzen handeln. Die Gedenkmünzen weisen die gleichen technischen Merkmale auf wie die üblichen 2-Euro-Münzen, sind jedoch auf der nationalen Seite mit einem national oder europaweit besonders symbolträchtigen Gedenkmotiv versehen.

Ausgabestaat: Estland

Anlass: 100. Jahrestag der Unabhängigkeit Estlands

Beschreibung des Münzmotivs: In dem Motiv lassen sich sowohl die Zahl 18 als auch die Zahl 100 erkennen. Dies symbolisiert den Zeitpunkt, zu dem Estland unabhängig wurde, spiegelt aber zugleich die vergangenen hundert Jahre wider. Unten rechts ist der Text „SADA AASTAT EESTI VABARIIKI" zu lesen, daran schließen sich der Name des Landes, „EESTI", und das Jahr der Ausstellung, „2018", an.

Auf dem äußeren Münzring sind die zwölf Sterne der Europaflagge dargestellt.

Voraussichtliche Prägeauflage: 1 317 800

Ausgabedatum: Januar/Februar 2018

